Lock Up Access to Corporate Accounts with a Password Keeper

How do you remember every password you have for all your personal and professional online accounts? Do you use easy to remember information like birthdays or names of family members and pets? 你有写在纸上的密码吗? 你让你的网页浏览器存储它们吗? Do you a single password that you use for every account you have?

If you use any of these password storage tactics, you should change right now because these are all insecure methods of retaining passwords. There’s a better way to 商店 and utilize your passwords and that’s with a password keeper.

Password keepers (or password managers) are software applications or services that generate, 商店, 安全地组织密码.

Using a password keeper guards your employees’ online accounts by keeping all their passwords locked in a digital vault. 每个人的保险库都包含许多密码, but they only need one key – a master password – to open it. 下面是它的工作原理.


一旦你设置好密码保管器, all you have to do to open one of your online accounts or services is to open the password keeper application and enter your master password. This unlocks the encrypted locations where your passwords are 商店d. 一旦身份验证, the password keeper automatically fills in the login credentials for the account you want to use.


There isn’t any software that is immune to potential threats, but proper use of a password keeper is usually more secure than its alternatives because of its ability to encrypt the data it’s storing.

Encryption is the process of encoding information to make it unreadable without a decryption key that turns the information back into a readable format.

If you use a weak password as the master password for your password keeper, you will undermine the security of the application. Proper utilization includes the use of a strong master password along with cybersecurity best practices like enabling multi-factor authentication and keeping software up to date.

相关: 12 Essential 澳门赌场网址大全 Measures for All Businesses

Should Your Organization Require Password Keepers?

More and more organizations are requiring employees to use password keepers because they provide a consistent, streamlined approach to identity management that aligns with cybersecurity best practices. 对企业的一些好处包括:

1. 增强的安全

密码管理器生成和存储复杂, unique passwords making it easy for employees to comply with requirements for strong passwords.

2. 一致性

Standardizing password management assures that everyone is following the same practice and the possibility for human error is minimized.

3. 网络钓鱼保护

Autofill and auto-login features reduce the chance that employees will manually type in their credentials on a compromised website or fake login page.

4. 改进的访问管理

Centralized password management makes it easy for administrators to update or revoke 访问账户 在需要的时候.

5. 遵守法规

The utilization of password keepers can help meet industry regulations for secure password practices.

6. 无需多设备同步

Employees can have access to their accounts on the different devices they use providing consistency and ease of use.

7. 强认证成为普遍做法

The use of password keepers guides employees in the adoption of strong authentication practices that might otherwise be neglected.


It’s not difficult to get your organization started with a password keeper application. Providing people with adequate training and helping them understand the role they individually play in security is probably the most important part of the change management process.

Here are some steps you can expect as your organization adopts the practice of using a password keeper.

  1. 选择一个密码应用程序.
  2. 下载并安装应用程序.
  3. 配置功能和安全设置.
  4. 创建主密码.
  5. Add browser extensions if this option is available.
  6. 导入现有密码.
  7. 生成新的强密码.
  8. 启用双因素身份验证.
  9. 启用跨设备同步.
  10. 在过渡过程中提供支持.

Bellwether vCISO推荐密码保存器

Our vCISO and security team at Bellwether consider a password keeper to be an essential layer of security needed to protect online accounts from intruders. We help clients through every step of the process, 从推荐和安装应用程序, 对员工的培训和持续支持. We also ensure that the password manager is configured for maximum security and optimized for each organization’s unique needs.

Do you have a security team helping you choose and implement all the layers in your security strategy? 如果你不知道, contact us and explore how Bellwether can close security gaps and make security a strong business capability for your organization.


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